Juan Juárez (Program Director)

Juan is an experienced educator with a proven track record of success. With over 12 years of teaching and leadership experience, he has consistently made significant contributions to the educational community. As Principal, Juan focused on implementing culturally relevant performing arts programs, cultivating strong relationships with community partners, promoting diversity and equity among students and staff, and designing strong professional development for staff at his school and principals and staff within his former school district in Texas. His leadership and team of educators led their middle school to being recognized as one of the top 10 charter schools in Austin by U.S. News World & Report (4th in the city). 

Juan earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and international Studies from Southwestern University. He furthered his education at Trinity University, obtaining a master’s degree in educational leadership. He recently received his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Public Policy Studies from the University Texas at San Antonio. For his dissertation, Juan conducted a phenomenological study on gay Latino teachers in heteronormative school climates to better understand the intersection of sexual orientation and race. 

Outside of school, Juan loves listening to pop music, watch movies at the Alamo Drafthouse, and spend time with his dogs, Oliver, and Benny.